Version en espaƱol
This post is part of the series about creating an app with node.js, express for Facebook
Lets add i18 to our app since the beginning so we dont end up with a lof of strings to translate.
To do it so we are going to add a list of strings in a local file that we load to the app, it depends on the language settings in the user browser the file we are going to send.
Lets start adding a new module to our package called "i18next" that will allow us to handle the localization files, our "package.json" will look like this:
"name": "nomi-nation"
, "version": "0.0.1"
, "private": true
, "dependencies": {
"express": "2.5.2"
, "express-messages" : ">= 0.0.2"
, "facebook-js" : "1.0.1"
, "jade": ">= 0.0.1"
, "log" : "1.2.0"
, "mongoose" : "2.4.8"
, "vows" : "0.6.1"
, "zombie" : "0.12.9"
, "jsdom" : "0.2.10"
, "i18next" : "0.5.1"
"app": {
"name": "Nomi-nation",
"welcome" : "Welcome to $t("
"creator": {
"name": "MrPix"
and in spanish:
"app": {
"name": "Nomi-nation",
"welcome" : "Bienvenido a $t("
"creator": {
"name": "MrPix"
We have our files so lets code...
In "app.js" around line 8 lets add this line to load the module
i18next = require('i18next')
After our variables we need to initialize our i18next:
ns: { namespaces: ['translation'], defaultNs: 'translation'},
resSetPath: 'locales/__lng__/new.__ns__.json',
saveMissing: true
In our configure part, lets add a helper for our views so we can use this without problems in jade
And after the configure part, lets initialize the helper:
Cool we are done in "app.js", lets see the templates. First "layout.jade" will look now like this:
!!! 5
title= t('')
link(rel='stylesheet', href='/stylesheets/style.css')
body!= body
script(src="", type="text/javascript")
script(src='i18next/i18next.js', type='text/javascript')
script(src='javascripts/script.js', type='text/javascript')
Then we are adding "i18next.js" that i18next server this file, this will help us to initialize i18 in the client side.
"index.jade" will look like this:
h1= t('')
p #{t('app.welcome')}
.by by: #{t('')}
We are loading the strings in different ways, first we are just adding and h1 with the app name and then we are printing as a variable inside p and the div ".by" the welcome msg and the creator string.
var options = {
ns: { namespaces: ['translation'], defaultNs: 'translation'},
useLocalStorage: false,
resGetPath: 'locales/resources.json?lng=__lng__&ns=__ns__',
dynamicLoad: true,
sendMissing: true
$.i18n.init(options, function() {
//TODO: add more text
First we are creating an object to add all the options, we pass the namespace like in the server, the flag to use the localstorage in the browser if present, the path to load the files and to send the missing keys, then we just start the functionality with jquery.
To use it everywhere we can just use the function t like this:
or use the jquery function with something like this:
// file with strings
"nav": {
"home": "home",
"1": "link1",
"2": "link2"
// the html
<ul class="nav">
<li class="active"><a href="#" data-i18n="nav.home">home</a></li>
<li><a href="#" data-i18n="nav.1">link1</a></li>
<li><a href="#" data-i18n="nav.2">link2</a></li>
// traduce all the elements with "data-i18n"
We are set, we have our app ready for i18, instead of hardcoding the strings lets use this functionality and we can present our app in several languages
By the way, update the testing because we change the title from "Express" to "Nomi-nation"
Fork the code in github:
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